Privacy Policy, privacy policy and use of personal information, except all cases defined in the agreement , will not disclose them to any company or third parties. Our visitors users and partners personal information will not given to third parties.

Personal data: name, sur name, adress, telephone number, e-mail as it refers to all kinds of other information for user identification.,  use the person's profile information to determine in it's own structure and it to make statistical studies and just to be able to share with third parties in order to make this work., keep personal information private and confidential to deem it ass a secrery ensuring and maintaining confidentiality, displays all or any part of the confidential information from entering the public domain and to take the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure to a third person and due care., necessary information despite receiving security measures, damage to confidential information as a result of attacks on our site if is it goes into the hands of third parties will not have any responsibility., provide links to other sites., entered through the site link for privacy practices and does not take any responsibility for their content., necessary to identifity users IP adresses and uses it. Ip adresses users can also be used to collect broad demographic information and to describe in a general way.,  use information  of our site for our users,  techinical communication file (cookie) can be obtained using. But, if users wish absence or tecnical communication file sent warning and they can change their browser settings in a way that allows for the input.